
The World Chocolate Wonderland Theme Park in Beijing begins to accept customers from January 29th, 2010 to April 10, 2010. Located on the north side of Bird’s Nest National Stadium, the park is the first of its kind in China. The Chocolate Wonderland is consisted of five indoor halls, including the World’s Chocolate Hall, World’s Candy Hall, Wonderland Theme Hall, Sweet Experience Hall and Sweet Gift Hall, as well as the outdoor activity areas of Sweet Stages and Sweet Shopping Street.The Chocolate Wonderland is meant to provide a visual feast for tourists from all over the world. In the theme park, tourists are able to see the lifelike chocolate-made miniature of many famous China attractions, such as the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and the Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses.On entering the theme park, you will start a sweet journey which enables you to appreciate the distinctive chocolate-made artist works and the performances of expert chocolatiers. If you are interested in the craft of chocolate making, just ask the experts for assistance. The Chocolate Wonderland is built to allow visitors to “see, touch, taste and smell the delicacy on their own”. This year, lovers are able to spend a sweet and romantic Valentine’s Day in the theme park.Information about Beijing's World Chocolate WonderlandOpening Date: from January 29 to April 10

Location: On the north of Bird’s Nest

Ticket Price: 80yuan.

Telephone Number of Ticket Booking: 400 610 3721

How to Get There: Take Subway No.8 to the stop of Olympic Green, and get out of the subway station from the southeast exit, and then walk eastward for about 50 meters. There are also a lot of Buses that can take you to the Olympic Green.


昨天,我、姐姐和爸爸妈妈一起参观了位于鸟巢旁边的巧克力梦公园,它让我们仿佛来到了一个梦幻一般的巧克力世界…… 还没进入园中,我就闻到了一股又香又甜的巧克力味道,映入眼帘的是一座高大的像城堡样的大门,两边立着两根巧克力色的柱子,被做成城堡露台的样子,柱子中间一道彩虹似的牌子,上面写着“世界巧克力梦公园”。

我迫不及待的跑进了公园,呈现于眼前的是一个童话般的世界,有一瞬间,我简直不能相信我这是在人间,那一座座精美的建筑,有的是巧克力,有的是曲奇饼,有的是棒棒糖,墙壁上描绘着一个个精致可爱的小人儿,它们或是身着一件巧克力色的衣服,脚蹬一双明**的靴子,在摆着手对你笑,或是一身粉红色的装扮,身后还背着一双小翅膀,一边飞一边吹着泡泡…… 走进展馆,展现在眼前的是一个巧克力的王国。左右两边站着一个个调皮可爱的小精灵,它们有的摇晃的胖嘟嘟的身子跳舞,有的拿着一根甜甜的棒棒糖舔着,漫步在这里,闻着香浓的巧克力味,再加上五彩缤纷的灯光,让这个巧克力王国显得更加扑朔迷离。明亮的玻璃柜里,那一把把做工精细的小扇子,仿佛还能看到清晰的木纹,那一双双精致可爱的鞋子,连鞋带上的花纹都清清楚楚,那一套套玲珑剔透的茶具,简直可以以假乱真…… 最让我难忘的是那座晶莹剔透的巧克力瀑布。整整一面墙上,错落有致地挂着精致的小碟子,浓浓的巧克力浆从最上面的一个小孔流出来,流到第一个碟子里,又从第一个碟子里留到第三个碟子里……最后流进巧克力池里。在暖暖的橙色灯光照射下,水晶挂灯反射出五彩的光芒,映在缓缓流淌的巧克力上,恍若梦境一般。后来我们又去品尝了很多免费的糖果,还亲手制作了巧克力…… 夕阳的光辉洒在了巧克力梦公园的大门上,闪耀着金色的光芒,我向墙壁上那一个个调皮的小精灵挥手:再见了,小精灵们!再见了,巧克力梦公园!再见了,这个梦一般的童话世界!