

3.英语 上海旅游景点






Shanghai Bund:英/?ha? b?nd/? 美/?ha? b?nd/。


1. 介绍


2. 上海外滩的位置


3. 黄浦江的性质


4. 外滩的建设


5. 外滩的重要性


6. 争议的原因


7. 确认上海外滩的性质




老城隍庙 Town God's Temple

豫园 Yuyan Garden

南京路 Nanjing Road

外滩 the Bund

新外滩 the new Bund

玉佛寺 Jade Buddha Temple

锦江乐园 Jindjiang Amusement Park

徐家汇天主教堂 Xujiahui Cathedral

上海影城 Shanghai Film Ceter

上海工业展览馆 Shanghai Industrial Exhibition Hall

上海博物馆 Shanghai Museum

上海图书馆 Shanghai Library

上海体育馆 Shanghai Stadium

上海植物园 Shanghai Botanical Garden

东方明珠电视塔 Oriental Pearl TV Tower

人民广场 The People's Square

上海大剧院 Shanghai Grand Theatre

世纪公园 Shanghai Century Park

上海城市规划展示馆 Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Center(SUPEC)

金茂大厦 Jinmao Tower

上海科技馆 Shanghai Science & Technology Museum

静安寺 Jing'an Temple


The bund, located on the huangpu river in the huangpu district of Shanghai, is a historical and cultural block of China.Since 1844, the area of the bund has been divided into the British concession, which is a true reflection of Shanghai's ten-mile western concession and also the starting point of the old Shanghai concession area and the whole modern city of Shanghai.


The total length of the bund is 1.5km, starting from yan 'an east road in the south to waibai ferry bridge on the suzhou river in the north, huangpu river in the east and the old Shanghai financial and foreign trade institutions in the west.


There are 52 classical revival buildings of different styles on the bund, which is known as the bund international architecture exhibition group. It is one of the important historical relics and representative buildings in modern China and one of the landmarks of Shanghai.


外滩(英文:The Bund;上海话拼音:nga thae),位于上海市黄浦区的黄浦江畔,即外黄浦滩,为中国历史文化街区。1844年(清道光廿四年)起,外滩这一带被划为英国租界,成为上海十里洋场的真实写照,也是旧上海租界区以及整个上海近代城市开始的起点。

外滩全长1.5公里,南起延安东路,北至苏州河上的外白渡桥,东面即黄浦江,西面是旧上海金融、外贸机构的集中地。上海辟为商埠以后,外国的银行、商行、总会、报社开始在此云集,外滩成为全国乃至远东的金融中心。民国三十二年(1943年)8月,外滩随交还上海公共租界于汪伪国民 *** ,结束长达百年的租界时期,于民国三十四年(1945年)拥有正式路名中山东一路。






The bundShanghai's bund night was charm and attractive.Shanghai is a *** art city,if you were not a very *** art person,you aren't a local person you shouldn't be have more chance to stay in Shanghai.Look at Shanghai's flourishing you should be have a look the bund and Pudong's develop. I like bund very much.I like see the night scene in the evening.I always with my friends goes to the bund to see around.I think that Shanghai's night just like London's big ben.Very beautiful and shining,shimming.Accept the Shanghai's bund,Hu bei and Ningbo also have got the bund.Shanghai's bund is beautiful than Ningbo's bund.Ning bo's bund not very beautiful than Shanghai.Shanghai is a fast pace city.If you were see the bund you will know this.外滩上海外滩的晚上是迷人并且富有吸引力的。













英语作文60词 去上海,写外滩城隍庙 急需 感谢!

The Bund (Wai Tan) is one of the symbols of Shanghai.Located along the Huangpu River, the Bund shows off Shanghai's outstanding foreign buildings, most of which were erected before 1937. To the Europeans, the Bund was Shanghai's answer to Wall Street. 大概意思就是指外滩是上海的标志之一。





英语作文帮忙写一篇关于和家人一起去上海旅游的 英语作文 在线...

开头省略了my parents. The weather was bad. It was raining all day long. We tried to go to some places of interest such as the Bund and the Oriental Pearl TV Tower.However, it was very crowded. Because of the rain, we couldn't see things clearly. We went shopping later. The things were also very expensive, so we didn't buy anything. We didn't do a lot of things during the trip. The trip was boring and I didn't have a good time.天气很糟糕,整天都下雨。









ShanghaiShanghai is in the east of China. Many years ago, it was a *** all fishing village. Only a few thousand people lived there. People were fishermen. But today Shanghai is a big modern city. It is the biggest city in China. And it is also one of the largest cities in the world. It has an area of about six thousand, three hundred and forty square kilometers. More than thirteen million people live there. They do many different jobs. There are workers, doctors, nurses, teachers, engineers, artists and so on. Shanghai is also more beautiful than before. There are now many tall buildings and green areas. Shanghai is developing very fast. People there are living a happy life.


Shanghai Brief IntroductionThroughout the past century, Shanghai has had numerous name tags attached to it; like "Paris of the Orient" and "Pearl of China". Images of Shanghai more than any other Chinese city, are bountiful in the west. A visit here therefore, is naturally tainted to some extent, with a preconception of how the city will be.As the largest and most prosperous city in the nation, Shanghai is the economic, financial and cultural center of China, while Beijing is the political heart. And this image of Shanghai as a fast and modern metropolis is certainly the one that most visitors take away. Those old preconceptions of Shanghai as the home of crime vice and prostitutes are wiped away, as the city successfully projects an image of itself as young, vibrant and cool.Shanghai is a modern and fast paced city, rich in history and culture and with a wealth of areas and sites just waiting to be explored. One of the nicest aspects of Shanghai is that the crowds here are much more manageable than in a city like Beijing. This is largely because there are no great ancient sites which people flock to. Rather, this is a city to be walked, wandered, explored and discovered in your own time and, in your own style.What makes Shanghai particularly attractive are the many different styles of architecture and design throughout the city. Shanghai was once divided up into different "Concessions" or districts and the boundaries of these areas still remain today. The famous, Bund was home to the "British Public Park" and this boulevard has a plethora of colonial structures to visit, all reminders of Shanghai's days of decadence. The Japanese and the French Concessions too, are fascinating areas to explore. The French Quarter is a particularly charming district to wander, and there are many former residences to look at and discover something about old Shanghai and the people who lived here. The area known as the "Chinese City" is also worthy of a visit. Take a break from the tourists around the Yuyuan and do some serious antique shopping or just lose yourself amidst the old alleys and streets.But perhaps most of all today, Shanghai is a spectacularly modern city. The pace of development here is unbelievable. Currently, seventeen percent of the world's cranes are in the city and developers boast that the city is changing at a rate inparable to anywhere else in the world ever. The newest area of the city, Pudong, has just celebrated its 10th anniversary and is almost unrecognizable from the way it was when development began here. Two of the most impressive city structures can be found here, the Jinmao Tower and the Oriental TV Tower.For any visitor to China, perhaps the most attractive thing about this city is just how fashionable it is. Museums, galleries, restaurants and bars have emerged in the past few years. This co *** opolitan cultural scene which harks back to the heydays of the 1920s and 30s and the new found wealth in the city are helping to reinvent Shanghai as a place with a fabulous and optimistic style and attitude. 上海简介 在过去的世纪,上海已经有多次的名字给它附加标签,如“东方巴黎”和“中国珍珠”。





上海的这些作为犯罪和卖* *** 家里的旧偏见被消灭了,作为一个城市的成功项目本身的形象,年轻,充满活力和凉爽。
















初中英语作文去年暑假,Mary 和她的父母去了上海度假,他们去了东...

Last Summer, Mary went to Shanghai with her parents for the summer vocation. Mary's family had a great time in Shanghai. They went to many famous tourist attractions in Shanghai. For example, they went to the Oriental Pearl TV Tower, the Bund, the Town God's Temple, and the Century Park. They took a lot of pictures and bought many souvenirs. Mary showed the pictures to her friends and they all wanted to go to Shanghai. 去年暑假 Mary和她爸妈去上海度假。





















让我们踏着石 阶一层层地盘旋而下,到达碑底。







转载请注明出处 ? 上海外滩的英语介绍

英语 上海旅游景点

Cruise on the Huangpu River 黄浦江

Cruising on the Huangpu River, visitors can gaze at the mighty skyscrapers, the Monument Tower to the People's Heroes, the famous Waibaidu Bridge and Huangpu Park on one bank, and the orient Pearl TV Tower, International Convertion Center, Jin Mao Building and the newly rising Pudong New Area on the other. The Yangpu and Nanpu bridges span the river. From the river, visitors can also view the ruins of ancient cannon emplacements and fortifications at Wusong and the magnificent view of the Yangtze River as it empties into the sea.

The orient Pearl TV Tower 东方明珠

The orient Pearl TV Tower is 468 meters high, the tallest in Asia and third tallest in the world. It faces the Bund across the Huangpu River. When viewed from the Bund, the tower and the Nanpu and Yangpu bridges create a vivid imagery known as "two dragons playing with a pearl." The sphere at the top has a diameter of 45 meters and is 263 meters above ground. The observation deck in the sphere offers a sweeping view of the city. The revolving restaurant is set at 267 meters above Pudong New Area. The dance ball, piano bar and 20 karaoke rooms, at 271 meters, are also opened to the public. The penthouse, which sits at 350 meters, has an observation deck, meeting room, and coffee shop. The tower integrates broadcasting technologies with sightseeing, catering, shopping, amusement, and accommodations. It has become the symbol of the city and a major tourist attraction in Shanghai.

Chenghuang Miao Temple 城隍庙

The Temple of the Town Deity is located south of Yuyuan Gardan. There used to be a temple to the local deity, whick the inhabitants believed would protect them, in every city. The city deities were frequently real persons to whom the town owed something. Today, an arts aand crafts store is in the temple.


Shanghai Xintiandi in Shanghai is an historical and cultural character of the city tourist attractions, it is unique Shikumen Shanghai-based urban construction, into a world-class restaurants, business, entertainment, culture, leisure walking Street. Xintiandi is located in the city centre, south of Huaihai Road, Huangbeinanlu and Madang Road between 30,000 square meters of land, adjacent to Huangbeinanlu Station and the North-South, East and West of the intersection of an elevated road. The project is the construction of a new era of tradition and cultural life of the city tourist attractions, with its fusion of Chinese and Western, old and new combination of tone, Shanghai will be the traditional Shikumen Linong and full integration of contemporary new construction.

上海景点英语-旅游英语2007-11-12 11:45南京路步行街Nanjing Road, Pedestrian StreetE学地带 ~ u z K Z } `

南京路商业街Nanjing Road Shopping Street

&a9\/@%y @%K!} q t!q7A Y R0南京路商务楼Office Buildings along Nanjing Road

.R x8i5B,T c0南京路工贸中心Nanjing Road Industrial Trade Center

{ J R%L/k9L q w0闸北区不夜城夜景Night View of Ever bright Town in Zhabei DistrictE学地带 O e U7k f'K ~5v U

上海宝山钢铁总厂Shanghai Baosteel Group Corporation

&h O G*| S$W s(A b x0上海经济技术开发区Shanghai Economic and Technological Development ZoneE学地带 } D#Y2n J

上海国际会议中心Shanghai International Convention Center

5a!v5p3Z:f0_ S b0上海农业展览馆Shanghai agricultural Exhibition Hall

{3E8[ [ v1?0上海书城Shanghai City of BooksE学地带 y O F(c s M M

上海大剧院Shanghai Grand Theater

6D!y _;y.F%e;M0上海影城Shanghai Film Art CenterE学地带0z$k*W#R c2t U g

上海马戏城Shanghai Circus WorldE学地带 w$U5D U N }8| j W"U v

浦东远东大道Yuandong Freeway, PudongE学地带 w8d5r0t1T v,]&} @ L [

浦东国际机场Pudong International Airport

!u;s2E y'` Q&t i a&K*f!k g0豫园商城Yuyuan Shopping Center

y&\ L!m#O P*g9_0上海老街Shanghai Traditional StreetE学地带 r%F c w#v*Z8[ x&J P(S

外滩风景View along the bundE学地带 t%{4J y U

上海展览中心Shanghai Exhibition Center

I G9Y R)r w {8h2@ f |0外高桥保税区Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone

+[ \;i*W._3o i t7k [0张江高科技园区Zhangjiang Hi-tech Park

d D i C1Z+q2} i @0东视大厦Shanghai Oriental Television Tower

C A/v9@ K.H v X h q0上视大厦Shanghai Television Tower

q s%d&w r Y Y0东方明珠电视塔Oriental Pearl TV Tower

F2\#c d-^$u*Z z E0广播大厦Shanghai Broadcasting Station

!u%s W;b9t X/u ?:e0延安路高架Yan’an Road ViaductE学地带9r y m!x L2\

黄浦江人行隧道Pedestrian Tunnel undercross the Huangpu River

5F9T!@"h a h n4Q P0外环线The Outer Ring

"l k Q } ^ U(l%Y9G0内环线The Inner-ring RoadE学地带)o(t [*J Q B O x C


&^ | H$p R5F u U0高速公路ExpresswayE学地带 i m w$h Z4}

南北高架The North-south Viaduct, North-south Elevated Road

E;x2~ G E9R0市中心高架枢纽Interchange in the downtown

B2?&U l r#B y X B0苏州河整治段Harnessing Section of the Suzhou CreekE学地带 z ^)l+] K U f j&E d

上海体育场Shanghai Sports Center

} ?;|"H ]1Z)m0上海曲棍球赛场Shanghai Hockey FieldE学地带 p b4p K;q q b L

上海自行车赛场Shanghai Racing FieldE学地带 q K7M l }/y8r o-X

上海水上运动场Shanghai Water Sports Center

Q l%c&B!P0上海盲童学校Shanghai Deaf-mutes SchoolE学地带 j Y0Z X F3|

商贸区Commercial and Trade SubzoneE学地带 E:T H+g } g

别墅villasE学地带 U;g g p \ z2R k z0l I'r {

新村Residential Quarter

2Q } I X [-M |0苑Yuan, Residential Estate

'f%`1r C P C5u w0c0小区Residential Area/QuarterE学地带*h8e"j-}1~ n$s \ D X

名都城Mandarin City

{ D7u ?2B;I ? o N Q0上海石化总厂Shanghai Petrochemical Company Ltd.E学地带 z8W/P u c;M0V

上海工人文化宫Shanghai Worker’s Cultural PalaceE学地带:@#p P _ y2S

上海煤气厂Shanghai Gas Works

"s v N&W o i0上海污水厂Shanghai Waste Water Treatment PlantE学地带 { F&p n L-[

上海集装箱码头Shanghai Container TerminalE学地带 ^+O![ E+x ~1^

高层住宅High-rise flatsE学地带0` a o F X E0p

焦化总厂Coking and Chemical CrporationE学地带 { i q4H ?

金桥出口加工区Jinqiao Export Processing ZoneE学地带(k;t2o ~ { m1o*] m

浦东陆家嘴核心区全景The Panorama of Lujiazui Center Area

t9I s ^ A"E%` Y }0玉佛寺Jade Buddha Temple

i-X i1E+j C t0~!K C*C7H0龙华寺Long Hua Temple

2e L h ~:V R q q2T0上海博物馆Shanghai Museum

h;D&n)r R&B%n0上海体育馆Shanghai Stadium

d&X K)K [ a T0上海华联商厦Shanghai Hualian Commercial BuildingE学地带 b {*U4V G y E-h Y

上海第一百货商店Shanghai No.1 Department StoreE学地带 b l2_ `2b-u z2M M S8n

上海动物园Shanghai Zoo

H e V6h x h0上海植物园Shanghai Botanical GardenE学地带 r L a p F%Y%W E s ~#Q q

上海野生动物园Shanghai Wildlife ParkE学地带#x9K o K h Z j,i(] A1V i N

金茂大厦Jinmao Building/TowerE学地带 ? D o(g d ] L

上海工艺品商店Shanghai Arts and Crafts ShopE学地带's B J!p R

上海友谊商店Shanghai Friendship Store

Z;c+z K X S0轻轨elevated railway, light railE学地带&} Q P/g K X O



Shanghai is situated in the middle of China's east coastal line and borders Jiangsu to the north and Zhejiang to the south.

The metropolitan of Shanghai is China's financial center and is now undergoing one of the fastest economic expansions that the world has ever seen. The center of the city is divided into two areas by the Huangpu River. Pudong, to the east, is a new business district, classified as a "tariff free zone", is growing rapidly.

The most impressive street of Shanghai is the Bund(外滩). It is in every sense old Shanghai's commercial heart, with the river on one side, the offices of the leading banks and trading houses on the other. Nanjing Road(南京路) is the center for theatres and cinemas as well as one of the most crowded shopping streets in the world. Besides, the Oriental Pearl TV Tower, the Huangcheng Miao and Yuyuan Garden are also a must in Shanghai.



东方明珠广播电视塔,又名东方明珠塔,是一座位于中国上海的电视塔。坐落在中国上海浦东新区陆家嘴,毗邻黄浦江,与外滩隔江相望。东方明珠塔是由上海现代建筑设计(集团)有限公司的江欢成设计。建筑动工于1991年,于1994年竣工,投资总额达8.3亿元人民币。高467.9米,亚洲第一,世界第三高塔,仅次于加拿大的加拿大国家电视塔(553.3米)及俄罗斯的奥斯坦金诺电视塔(540.1米),是上海的地标之一。东方明珠广播电视塔由三根直径为9米的擎天立柱、太空舱、上球体、下球体、五个小球、塔座和广场组成。The Oriental Pearl TV Tower, also known as the Oriental Pearl TV Tower, is a TV tower in Shanghai, China. Is located in Lujiazui, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, China, adjacent to the Huangpu River, and the Bund across the Yangtze River. Oriental Pearl TV Tower is Shanghai Modern Architectural Design (Group) Co., Ltd. Jiang Huan into the design. Construction started in 1991, completed in 1994, a total investment of 8.3 billion yuan. 467.9 meters high, in Asia, the world's third tower, behind Canada, Canada's National Tower (553.3 meters), and Russia's Ostankino Tower (540.1 meters), is one of Shanghai's landmarks.

外滩,位于上海市中心区的黄浦江畔,它是上海的风景线,是到上海观光的游客必到之地。外滩又名中山东一路,全长约1.5公里。东临黄浦江,西面为哥特式、罗马式、巴洛克式、中西合壁式等52幢风格各异的大楼,被称为“万国建筑博览群”。The Bund, located in the central district of Shanghai, Huangpu River, it is Shanghai's landscape is a must in Shanghai tourists to the land. The Bund, also known as Zhong Shan Dong Yi, total length of about 1.5 km. Huangpu River east, west, Gothic, Romanesque, Baroque style, such as Chinese and western wall of the building 52 of various styles, known as the "Wan State Building Expo Group."


Wuyue town - Fengjing, is located in the southwest of Shanghai, a country with 1,500 years of history, Shanghai's only national historical and cultural town, "small bridge, flowing water, they" typical southern water town, street and building Linhe residents River and sleep pillows. Fengjing town of immense cultural, and spiritual人杰, is full of talents, there are modern, vice chairman of the National People's Congress Zhu Xuefan,丁聪cartoonist, traditional Chinese painting master Cheng Shifa, Go team, such as Gu water. Jin Feng rice wine, small hoof Fengjing, top cakes, tofu four native products are known as "Sibao Fengjing." Peasant paintings, cartoons丁聪, Cheng Shifa's traditional Chinese painting and water, such as the Go Board, called at home and abroad have a considerable impact on the "three paintings of a game." Fengjing The main attractions are: ancestral home of Cheng Shifa,丁聪comic gallery, 300 Park, the people's commune site, workshops and other small hoof.

City Beach is located in Jinshan District of Shanghai, is located in the southwest of Shanghai, the north shore of Hangzhou Bay. West and the Zhejiang Pinghu, Jiashan City, adjacent to the east Fengxian District, south of Hangzhou Bay, north of Qingpu District and Songjiang District.

"City Beach" is the top priority of the development and construction of the coastline is the most the Yangtze River Delta cities of Shanghai-style coastal landscape. Wai water area of 1.5 square kilometers. Water to deal with physical sedimentation and biological degradation, artificial waves, the natural cycle of things, with the rain water collection systems on land and water animals and plants chain, while the scientific transformation of the beach, clear water to create Sands coastline of the urban landscape. Artificial laying golden sand and clear water相映成趣, leaned forward to the beach is the promenade has been built landscape. Above the promenade is a wave-shaped roof and white, when both sides of the lights at night lights up the whole, the entire gallery as a long roll with a pearl,煞是pretty choppy.

Bridge view Bihai Sands, oncoming sea breeze, which belongs to the Fiat had been in Hawaii and never belong to Shanghai. In a series of events held here, such as "Beach Volleyball World Tour," "Summer Wind Music Season", and so on, has become a resounding Chinshan card coastline.

East temple is located in Jinshan District of Shanghai朱泾镇No. 150 East Street, Tai Yuan was founded in the first year (1308), formerly known as Kannon. Qing Emperor two years (1313), the change was Donglin Temple. The wind and rain in 700 years, the repeated兵燹, fire and dilapidated and destroyed and rebuilt several times reconstruction. In 1987, the east hall of a temple there was the Shanghai Municipal People's Government as a municipal heritage conservation units. In November 2002, the management of religious affairs Jinshan ratifying, formally registered as a Buddhist activities. Government in 2004 to implement the Party's religious policy, free allocation of the original 20.5 acre compound Jinshan county government as the East Temple and West Temple Monastery One of the expansion of the two sites, and in September 2007 in order to reproduce the characteristics of the Qiao Yuan Temple displayed in front of the vast numbers of pilgrims and visitors.

Temple of the East now is a dazzling spectacle of the mountain - the Buddha is a mountain lying on a Buddha. 57 meters high mountain that is the Buddha, is佛即mountain one Buddha, Foshan stretch. Achieve the "although well-made, like Tiankai" depicted.

Jinshan peasant paintings based on the rural southern landscape or rural segments of life, the idea of new, pristine image, composition is simple and colorful, full of modern rural life, was highly infectious and appreciation of nature. In recent years, Jinshan peasant paintings frequently go out of the country in the United States, Britain, Japan, France and other 17 countries on display, as the "world of folk art treasures

Shanghai this fashion metropolis is quietly changing the earth shaking. The lively transformation project of the Bund, and added a lot of eye-catching new play point to Shanghai. If you're going to travel to Shanghai in the near future, it's a pity to miss out!

Huaihailu Road is not only famous for shopping, it is also a beautiful scenery along the way, where you can see more valuable cultural landscape.At the beginning of May is a small building, but it is about a former history.

Night Shanghai is more beautiful than the day in Shanghai, the United States, where new, in contrast to the old the Bund District, people feel full of vigour in Shanghai. The Bund's night scene makes people seem to be in a fairy tale world, the city of lights......

Pudong 88 storey Jinmao Tower, like a new bride on the Yangtze River to tell their own beauty. The Oriental Pearl from time to time shifting colors, like a bright stage spotlight, for the tourists who see dancers. The ear seems to ring out the old song: "night Shanghai, night Shanghai, you are not the night city".

The center covers an area of 100 thousand square meters is located in Yanan Green Road exit of the tunnel, Winds in the green space in the road, outlines the Shanghai magnolia flower pattern, like a marked Shanghai City, Magnolia middle, the center of the lake is 8600 square meters, designed to the shape of the Pudong section of the map. Lake landscape Peng main mast high 28m, Peng shaped white conch, like a sail, in order to give people unlimited reverie.